Welcome to my articles! Posted here are tutorials, concepts, and my opinions on deployments I have completed. The articles written are living documents. As technology changes and evolves, so will the articles themselves. An article’s updated date will be revised when information was amended to the article.
All of these articles are of my opinion and based on my experience. Before applying any of the concepts or suggestions in these articles, complete your own personal research and testing. By reading these articles, the reader agrees that Dale M. Picou, Jr. shall not be held liable for any negative impact when applying these tutorials, concepts, or suggestions.
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Docker Image: Alpine CRON
After searching and searching, I couldn't find a docker image with a simple job scheduler. So I took Alpine Linux image with the classic cron service and customized it to work with PHP-FPM containers.
Updated: June 18th 2023
Docker Image: NGINX with PHP FPM
All about the base NGINX image I use for all my applications. This docker image includes the PHP FPM configuration along with optional TLS configurations designed to be used with my PHP docker image.
Updated: June 18th 2023
Docker Image: PHP with MySQLi
All about the base PHP docker image I use for all my applications. This docker image includes Composer, MySQLi, and memcached extensions along with optional multiple browscap variants all designed to be used with my Nginx image.
Updated: November 29th 2022
Traefik v2 Secure TLS and Header Configuration with Docker Provider
Get an A+ rating on SSLLabs! Traefik v2 configuration with only TLS v1.2 and TLS v1.3 recommened ciphers. Also, review the recommended secure response headers and apply them using Traefik.
Updated: January 25th 2021
Web Development Applications for PHP
As I absorb new concepts, discover new tools, and grow with technology, my development process as evolved. Each of the tools I use has a specific purpose and I have chosen those tools for that purpose. My current tool stack consists of Sketch, Coda 2, PHPStorm, and MySQL Workbench. Read why I chose those tools and how I use them.
Updated: October 12th 2020